Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Beats $16.99

Over the weekend we had to run to the bank mart inside Kroger.  It was the Saturday before Valentine's Day and right inside the door they were selling chocolate covered strawberries.  They were simply decorated with drizzles of chocolate, but they looked scrumptious.  That is until I looked at the price tag, $16.99 for 8 strawberries?  Seemed a little high to me.  So I thought I could do the same job, if not better, for a lot cheaper.  A day later, a pint of strawberries, bag of chocolate chips, and bag of white chocolate chips, and waalaa.  Tuxedo Strawberries (which are waaay cuter than the $16.99 strawberries at the grocery store) for a lot less $$


  1. Cute indeed! Welcome to the blogging world. :) Great stuff so far. What's next?

  2. Thanks, This blogging stuff is all new to me.
